11 June, 2011

What a LIFE

This is a tough one in my mind.. my loneliness making me think something like this and making me more confused..

Simple question: Why god made humans??

Simple answer: ----------------------------------------

Why is this life?? Concerned on the hereafter life?? what to do here?? what not to do here?? why 2 lifes one in this world and other one in heaven or hell??

What I thought by my religion ISLAM is that.. There is only one God.. my initial days were passed assuming ALLAH is name of the god.. When I read the meaning of ALLAH I was humiliated..

ALLAH = AL + ILAH.. AL - One and ILAH - God.. One God..

As a muslim I was in a impression that Allah is name of the lord we workship.. but as days pass.. hunger for the truth grows and search for the fact drives ourselfs..

Backing myself to the topic of "What is LIFE"..

tough to understand.. I haven't read the Quran completely.. not any religious scriptures.. :-( but I like many many many people in this earth believe that life is to LIVE.. Be Good and Do Good..

when I tried to place myself pre-humanic era.. I am deadlock in my thoughts of how did that happen.. why did that happened.. why this way.. why not that way.. so so so many dimensions and I am lost..

What I am trying to find is God is so merciful.. he created us.. he never ever wanted us to be betrayed.. so all prophets and scriptures were to guide humans.. Now since god has such a mercy upon human, why did he going to put us in HELL?? Because we all know when a child is born it is PURE.. The surrounding make the baby good or bad in future.. similarly death is also a big change which might put in a purification process of understanding "What is LIFE?".. but is that only way of it.. what are the other ways??

LIFE.. so called our time interval in this space.. If you do GOOD its a GIFT.. if you do bad its a CURSE.. Did we opted for such a test?? Why are going thru such a test??


If we had a starting point then yes we have an ending point.. what is the ending point is the mystery to be uncovered??

After reading this you can very easily understand how much I am confused.. How many questions flash in my mind.. Whatever it is as many say "Beauty of LIFE when we don't whats going to happen NEXT"..

I am trying to adopt to my view of LIFE.. Its Beautiful.. Thank God and Enjoy.. :-)