I was inspired by Mohan to make a small contribution towards KalviKodai.. We have little inspired our friend Venkatesh to make contributions too.. As we are getting older, I want to make sure all my friends are getting together for a noble cause to help mother India..
We have another good friend named Prasad.. Like how I found excuses to join Mohan to go to Asramam and old age homes, he also doing the same.. He is good and lazy fellow.. We have plotted a trap to get Prasad into KalviKodai..
A trap that is needed for everyone to realize what bad is out there and how good we can be.. We have this attitude of laziness and believe that how I can change something.. This needs to changed and that change has to happen within ourselves to spread to others..
Some may laugh, some may criticize.. But All it matters is how happy you are on doing the Good for the needy people.. How much they are satisfied of your help..
Friends lets join hands to contribute to our society.. for better future..
P.S. I am blogging this all for myself.. to remind me that I have responsibility to fulfill and lots n lots of love to share..
Al-Quran (21:73): And We made them leaders, guiding (men) by Our Command, and We sent them inspiration to do good deeds, to establish regular prayers, and to practice regular charity; and they constantly served Us..