21 December, 2013

life is a gift

Its been long time since it happened.. time to write something down in the memory lane..

Its been that time of the year where you get to relax and look back on what happened and what you have done..

Faaz is keeping me busy and he tirelessly amazing me with his love and activities.. I am gifted for an extend..

Lots are happening in my mind.. I am not sticking to one mindset for a long time.. I am easily distracted from my wish or goal or dream you name it.. its being my greatest weakness.. My Dad used to mention that to me that very often, I never listened.. Now I can realize why I am still doing what I am doing.. I love you Dad for being such a Good Dad..

As always, I will continue to get ideas and hope will implement some thing soon to get a step towards my dream..

Happy New Year!!

02 January, 2013

New Year - Resolution(s)

It can be viewed as Just another day in our life for those who are perfect and have nothing to change.. But for those who are dreaming this day is like a milestone which they wait for long time and start a new activity called new year resolution.. he he..

I was watching the NY ball drop event on TV, where a model mentioned 
    "I don't have any resolution for this year, because I will forget it in a week.." ;-)

Those who had great resolutions to achieve in 2013.. My hearty wishes.. Hope you don't forget it..

Work towards your dream, one day you will achieve them with pride..